A Smorgasbord of Options for Topics and Experiences
Keynote Speech at American Counseling Association Conference
Jeffrey Kottler is an internationally renown presenter who appears in national media and as a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. He regularly offers speeches and workshops related to counseling, psychotherapy, education, leadership, advocacy, self-care, and social justice topics. Programs can be structured to best fit the context, setting, goals, and audience, whether as a one hour keynote speech, interpersonal process group or seminar, one or two day experiential workshop.
Jeffrey has worked as a lecturer and workshop leader in dozens of countries and throughout North America, continuously adapting a style that is sensitive to the culture and needs of the participants. There are no “stock” speeches, workshops, or seminars. Each presentation is customized for the audience and setting. Universal features include:
inspirational and motivational messages
humorous and memorable stories
experiential activities that promote interaction
The power of storytelling in therapy--and everyday life
What’s a story that changed your life? It could have been a story told to you by a teacher, a parent, a coach, or a counselor. It could have been a story from a film, television show, play, song lyrics, or novel. It could have been a family story, a fairy tale, fable, myth or legend. Human memory, and all human experiences, are created and remembered as narratives, whether they include dreams, fantasies, crises, or life’s challenges. In one sense, counselors, therapists, and teachers are professional storytellers, whether the anecdotes are offered in the form of self- disclosures, metaphors, parables, case examples, or illustrative examples. In addition, novels, movies, television shows, biographies, have a profound affect on people. We attempt to influence and persuade people through the power of stories, as well as "hold" the stories of those we help. This program reviews the ways that stories are an integral part of persuasion and influence and how we can be far more effective, skilled, and creative in the ways we approach our efforts to maximize our impact.
bad therapy and We Learn from Our failures and mistakes
In spite of the reluctance to deny our mistakes and minimize our failures, we learn more from these experiences, and remember the lessons, in ways that successful outcomes can't touch. Interview with the greatest therapists, about their worst failures, reveal some fascinating themes that can encourage all of us to be more open about what we don't know and understand.
Creative breakthroughs in Therapy (or teaching, or Leadership)
Whereas the experience of being a therapist can often seem routine, dealing with similar issues, telling well-worn stories, using standard skills, applying favored methods--occasionally there are moments, even whole sessions, that appear miraculous in their innovation. During such creative breakthroughs, therapists find themselves saying or doing things that have never been done before. They have crossed a threshold of the familiar into completely unknown territory, a place where it feels as if a new voice has been discovered. This program highlights some of the common themes that spark creative innovation. Participants will have the opportunity to explore blocks to creativity in their work, as well as to consider innovative ways that they can initiate more dynamic and flexible strategies, especially with the most challenging clients and intractable problems.
Unexplained Mysteries of Therapy—and Everyday Human Behavior
After more than a thousand years of scientific research and investigations, there still remain some startling mysteries related to the peculiar ways that people act in certain circumstances, often to the serious detriment of themselves and others around them. In addition, some aspects of human functioning are so complex and confusing that investigators have yet to fully account for them; they represent the “dark holes” of daily existence, inscrutable actions and choices that don’t appear to make much sense. This is no less true with respect to the practice of counseling and therapy, relatively young professions that could still be viewed as functioning in the developmental stage of “adolescence.” After all, there still remain so many unanswered questions, debates, disagreements, and conflicts regarding best practices.
This program will touch on some of the therapeutic practices that, while somewhat popular and universal, may not be close to fully understood. Do we really understand how and why therapy works, with whom it works best, and the best ways to do it? Why, for example, is therapy among the only health procedures that doesn’t adjust the “dosage” (45-50 minutes) based on the client, context, and presenting complaints? Or,why do so many of the therapeutic models appear so different (emphasizing past, present, or future; feelings, thoughts, or behavior) and produce somewhat similar results?
relationships in therapy. . . and the Therapist's Life
Relationships form the basis for much of what helping professionals do. In spite of the focus on theoretical models, techniques, and interventions, these variables actually account for a relatively small part of successful outcomes compared to the felt experience of clients who report feeling understood. The ultimate effectiveness of any intervention or technique often depends on the quality of relationships that have been developed and maintained. We will explore those relational factors that lead to lasting changes, as well as the different options that can be customized to each individual. In addition, helping relationships often have a reciprocal effect in which clinicians are also transformed, for better or worse, as a result of their therapeutic work.
Changing People's Lives While Transforming your own: Paths to Advocacy and social justice
This program explores the ways that we can redefine and expand their roles to become more actively involved in advocacy and social justice issues, especially for marginalized and oppressed groups. The content is based on several of Jeffrey's books, his work in a dozen countries and communities around the world, and interviews with those who have reached far beyond the usual bounds of their profession to make a difference in the lives of desperate people, both within North America and abroad. Attention will be focused on reciprocal influences and the ways that we are transformed personally and professional as a result of service beyond the call of duty.
Change: What Really makes a difference?
There are dramatic and significant discrepancies between what helpers believe is most helpful versus what their clients report was most useful. Even after decades of empirical research we still don’t have a handle on what really leads to lasting changes in people’s lives, both within counseling and in everyday experiences. This workshop explores the nature of quantum change and which factors are most instrumental and most likely to maintain continued progress long after relationships end. There is an emphasis on the power of stories in people’s lives and how they have a lasting influence. All too often the focus of helping and healing is solely on the initial momentum but often ignores what makes changes endure over time.
Myths and misconceptions about therapy
What distinguishes a myth is whether there is reliable, valid, and verifiable evidence to support the beliefs and framework. Most theories don’t, in fact, stand the test of time, even if they continue to exert influence in the shadows. We can’t even be certain what constitutes “reality” with any degree of certainty. There are certain myths related to memory, learning styles, and causes of mental illness that have not only permeated our larger culture but also penetrated the core beliefs that guide many of our assumptions and practices. An even more compelling example is the idea of the 50 minute hour: What other health professional decides on the dosage of treatment before even meeting the patient? Let’s acknowledge that much of what we do is in the role of faith healers. We rely on persuasion and influence, suggestibility, and expectations of hope. This is not meant in a disparaging or critical way but rather that there is a certain indelible and powerful force that follows as a sense of optimism. More than anything else, we are purveyors of hope, especially during these troubling times.
Healthy and Successful Aging
Regardless of one’s age and station in life, what does it mean to age in a healthy, optimal way, and how might mental health professionals better facilitate this process? For those in the latter stages of life, the challenges and tasks are quite different, often related to continuing an active, engaged, and meaningful daily existence. While dealing with declining health and vigor are part of the journey, ongoing life satisfaction is usually related to feeling useful, productive in some capacity. While this can—and does—involve continuing one’s career or employment, for close to 90% of the elderly in the U.S. and other countries, one significant role is as a grandparent or caregiver in the family.
This program reviews the latest research and effective helping practices for working with aged populations, as well as celebrating the wisdom of elders for their significant role passing along knowledge, wisdom, and experience to future generations.
Secrets of Exceptional Practitioners
Whether in the arena of therapy, the classroom, corporate settings, or everyday life, extraordinary professionals demonstrate certain attributes and skills that are considered most influential. Based on 15 years of research with some of the world's most accomplished clinicians, teachers, theorists, authors, and spiritual leaders, there are particular dimensions in common, most of which remain hidden or disguised. It isn't just what we do to help others, but also who we are as human beings, the ways we walk through life and practice what we preach. Participants will have opportunities to explore ways that they can increase their personal and professional effectiveness, connect more deeply with clients and others, and share with others those behaviors and attributes that appear to be most empowering and influential.
Practicing What we Preach: Self-care for helping professionals
Mental health professionals have among the most stressful jobs in the world, especially those who are required to assist clients in the throes of trauma abuse, neglect, and chronic emotional difficulties. In addition, it is one of the most frustrating challenges of therapeutic work that most changes don’t often last. People frequently declare goals and yet rarely follow through on those commitments. Nowhere is this more true than with respect to taking care of oneself. People vow to exercise regularly, begin meditation or yoga, spend more time with loved ones, take it easier in their lives, reach out for more support, and yet find (or create) numerous excuses for failing to follow through on these promises. It is often the case that self-care strategies just lead to more pressure and stress in people’s lives. This program will explore some of the reasons why most self-care strategies, for ourselves as well as our clients, often fail to have much enduring impact—and often just increase the burden of stress. We will explore some of the ways that clinicians can not only take better care of themselves—modeling such behavior for their own clients—but also support and nurture colleagues.
What you don't know about leadership but probably should: Applications to daily life
Leadership is the single most studied aspect of all human behavior, and yet more than half of those in managerial or executive positions are described as “incompetent.” In addition, ¾ of employees say the worst part of their job is dealing with a terrible boss. Although this program focuses specifically on leadership challenges at work, especially those that have been neglected, we examine the ways that these skills can be broadened to a variety of other areas throughout our daily lives. After all, we lead others not just by purposeful planning, decision making, and strategic actions at work, but by the ways we walk through life, modeling exactly those qualities and values that we consider so important for others. We not only have the opportunity to demonstrate the attitudes, beliefs, and behavior that we advocate and teach to others, but a mandate to be who we most wish others to be.
Counseling and Therapy in the New World Order: Chaos, Confusion, and Innovation
Following the political and social upheaval of the last few years, the technological innovations, not to mention the worldwide pandemic that forever changed the ways we function during our daily lives, the practice of therapy, teaching, even holding meetings, has been completely transformed. While many of these shifts have allowed us to broaden and expand our services to those who would otherwise never have sought treatment, as well as to make sessions so much more convenient for everyone, there are still so many unanswered questions related to such practice. Privacy concerns, technological glitches, limited physical cues, fatigue and inactivity (zoom gloom), lack of research, have led to a number of challenges, as well as opportunities to reinvent ourselves in new and exciting ways, just as we advocate for our clients.
Keynote speech in Charleston, South Carolina